Thursday, January 29, 2009


I wish that I had more motivation when it comes to producing work. I know that creativity isn't something that can be forced but can it be pushed just a little? I always wonder how things would be right now had I pursued shooting as a career but when you make something a career a certain amount of passion fades.
Photo By: Christopher Hall

Kids and Instant Gratification

This is the reason I want a son one day...that's all.

Photo By: Day19
(okay so I lied) A large format would be fun too...regardless of how "hip" and "trendy" they are. If you have a minute please check out the polaroid project of Day19 via the link above.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am a camera slut...

I remember when I got in to photography I thought that in order to be good I needed to own EVERYTHING. I would spend nearly every paycheck on new gear whether it be a new memory card, a filter, or even a different carrying bag for my oh-so-cool Nikon N65. I got to the point where I realized this was a waste of money and then began amassing a collection of L-glass for my newly acquired digital setup.

As my interest in photojournalism faded I decided I would revert back into the dark ages of film with a medium format camera. I purchased a Bronica SQ-Ai and fell in love. I used the camera daily while my elite canon collection sat at home collecting dust tucked away in the black hole that is my closet.

I soon outgrew the Bronica, well outgrew is the wrong word it was more or less that I wanted to become a snob or something, so I sold broniqua off along with two of the L's to purchase a Hasselblad 500CM. The camera has been nothing short of incredible but after about 5 months I am lusting after another piece of technology...the Mamiya 7ii. I never thought that I would give up my Hasselblad but I think it may be time.

Wednesday Woe

I've very critical of photography in general but mostly in reference to skateboard photography. So many kids pick up the latest Thrasher, flip through the pages, and go out shooting with their friends mimicking the exact compositions they see...sure imitation is the highest form of flattery but creativity certainly should not be forgotten.
Photo By: popplagid_vr

Monday, January 26, 2009


Tomorrow I turn 23...that's pretty crazy.

I know I've been mildly MIA from the blogging community but I'm going to make valiant efforts to stay on top of my shit. I hope to post a photo a day that inspires me in some way.

As a result of this man's work I will be selling off my Hasselblad and purchasing a Mamiya 7ii. I'm stoked.

PhotoBy: Vaniljus

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Oh Canada...

This past week was easily one of the best of all my life...I'll update soon...I swear!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Richard Renaldi - Figure and Ground

I am absolutely in love with every visual element in this thoughts on the book coming soon...within the day...I hope...probably not...but yeah...the photos is great.

Buy it HERE